You searched for: “more urbane
urbane (adjective), more urbane, most urbane
1. Referring to someone who is courteous and refined in his or her behavior: The new principal of the school is a sophisticated and urbane man.

Don't confuse urbane with "urban" because urbane means "refined, suave and courteous" while "urban" characterizes "what a city is like."

2. Descriptive of an individual who has a high degree of refinement that results from significant social experiences with other people: Although Sally is still in her teens, she is considered a very cultured and urbane person.
3. Etymology: from Latin urbanus, "belonging to a city" from urbs, "city."
Referring to being polite, courteous and gracious.
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This entry is located in the following unit: urban- urb-, -urban, -urbia (page 2)